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Glow in the Dark Rims

For those of you interested in increasing your visibility, check out this post @ Bike Hugger:

Cooling Vests for the Masses

I live in a naive, sheltered world. I somehow had the impression that only elite athletes or recreational athletes willing to spend the $$ had access to cooling vests of ...

New Trend in Bicycle Commuting?

Incoming email brought this image of a British Columbia based Everti bicycle, maybe foretelling a trend we may see as a result of ever increasing gas prices:

Most Visible Cyclist for February: Josh Larios

The winner for February is Josh Larios…of Seattle! As Josh would say, “Whee!”

Gear Lust: Flexible Sheets of Light

Any guesses on how long until this technology makes it to the cycling world?:

Derek Pearson: Most Visible Night Cyclist for November

The winner for November is Derek Pearson from Olympia!

Night Cycling: Steady + Blinky = Safer

In a previous post I raised some concerns about cycling at night in the dense urban conditions of a city like Seattle.

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