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Lastest Not Fastest Last One Standing

October 2, 2027 - October 4, 2027

Hosted by Go Beyond Racing, the Lastest Not Fastest™ race is a last-one-standing concept, with runners heading out, on the hour, every hour, to complete a 4.13-mile loop on flat trails. That’s a 14:32 pace. If you complete the loop in 40-minutes, you get 19 minutes to rest and get ready for the next loop. Say it takes you 50 minutes, you are still in the race, but you have just 9 minutes to recover. But if it takes you 60 minutes or longer, you are done. Racers will keep at it, running loops every hour, until there is just one runner left standing, er running.


Hamilton Island
North Bonneville, WA 98639 + Google Map

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