Cascade High Performance Cycling Powered by Cycle U (aka “HPC”) is the brainchild of Tom Meloy who, when he relocated to Seattle eight years ago, wasn’t able to find a cycling group that fit his abilities or interests. Regular club rides weren’t ambitious enough, and the vibe of the racing scene didn’t feel quite right. Tom was looking for other cyclists who shared his passion for strenuous cycling, but weren’t interested in racing.
As so often happens, Tom’s sense of enlightened self-interest has turned into a project that is attracting other Seattle-area cyclists in search of kindred spirits. Now going into its 3rd year, this year’s HPC team will consist of a self-selected group of cyclists who can ride at a strenuous effort level, have the endurance to ride over 50 miles, and are capable of improving and mastering their pace line and group riding techniques.

Coach Craig Undem and team founder Tom Meloy explain the HPC program.
With support from the excellent coaching staff at Cycle U, the 2008 HPC program combines fitness training with cycling skills. This year’s training and skills schedule includes:
-A fitness test and evaluation to establish heart rate and / or power-based training zones
-A training plan that matches each rider’s yearly cycling goals (such as the High Pass Challenge, RAMROD, or a one-day STP).
-Based on riders’ training zones and cycling goals, the Cycle U coaching staff will recommend HPC daily rides that best match the rider and his or her training plan.
-Participation in one Cycle U skills clinic
-From May through August, the team will hold monthly skills rides with a pre-ride coaching session from a Cycle U coach. After the coaching clinic, riders will practice the skills learned that day, and integrate skills from previous clinics. The topics for these monthly skills sessions will include group riding safety, pace lines, climbing, descending, and cornering.
-Team membership also includes an HPC jersey that Tom promises “will look a lot different than the CBC jersey, and will feature a bold design.” (Tom mentioned the ever-intimidating color combination of black, red, and white.)
Given this team’s lengthy name, and the “Powered by…” suffix, I’m lobbying for argyle team colors, a la Team Slipstream Powered by Chipotle.
Tom says: “HPC’s emphasis is to have fun, build camaraderie, and grow skills and fitness with the assistance of one of the best coaching organizations around. The group is all about riding hard, but without any emphasis on organized racing. There will be plenty of opportunity for people to demonstrate their cycling strengths, but without the fear associated with locking elbows in a criterium.“
Saturday’s event recruited 30 riders, including four women. The long-term vision is that the team will eventually include as many as 100 riders, with an increasing number of qualified ride leaders as the team becomes more established. Next year might also include a full team kit, not just a jersey.
HPC is affiliated with the Cascade Bicycle Club, and CBC membership is required.
The Ride:
Yes, there was a ride of sorts. With the help of a few guinea pigs, Coach Craig Undem locked four of our bikes into Cycle U’s Compu Trainers (computer-controlled wind trainers) for a demo 10-minute time trial.
I gave it a go. With a minimal warmup, my heart rate was in the red zone within 90 seconds.
Two video screens played pro cycling footage while an overhead projector displayed performance data including each rider’s position relative to the others, speed, and power. A lean white-haired gentleman in the corner caught me in no time and proceeded to demolish the rest of the field.
Afterwards, I lapsed into a respectable fit of retching, always a reliable indicator of “fun.”