Portland Design Works Pledges Revenue to Bicycle Transportation Alliance

Official Press Release:

Portland, OR
February 23, 2009

Portland Design Works (PDW) announced they will be donating 1% of their gross revenue from 2009 to the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA.) PDW is a cycling accessory company based in Portland, Oregon. The company is a member of 1% For the Planet, a global group of over one thousand companies that donate 1% of their sales to nearly two thousand environmental and advocacy organizations.

“Donating our time and money to the BTA is the perfect way to give back to the cycling community supporting us here in Oregon,” said Erik Olson, co-founder of PDW. “The BTA’s vision of opening minds and roads to bicycling is right in line with the values of our company. We want to see more people view bikes as transportation rather than toys.”

“We look forward to working with PDW,” said Scott Bricker, executive director of the BTA, in reaction to the announcement. “It’s inspiring to see a new business building something like this into the foundation of their company.”

The BTA is a non-profit membership organization working to promote bicycling and improve bicycling conditions in Oregon and SW Washington. Their current initiatives include bike safety education classes and lobbying at the local, state and national level to ensure government projects are done in a way that accommodate bicycles.

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