Winter Wonderland at Shevlin Park

Close to town, Shevlin Park is a hidden gem, perfect for a quick nordic ski or snowshoe outing.

Just three miles outside of Bend, the trails of Shevlin Park are well worth a trip for both snowshoers and nordic ski enthusiasts. You’ll wind through groves of Aspen and Ponderosa Pine alongside scenic Tumalo Creek, soaking in an entirely different kind of beauty than that offered by the area’s high-elevation Sno Parks.

Tumalo Creek bubbles along under a coat of snow and ice.

Owned by Bend Parks and Recreation department, you won’t find groomed trails or ski tracks at Shevlin, but it’s easy to follow the unplowed access road and trails that are used by hikers and mountain bikers in their own season.

For easiest access, drive past the first parking area by Shevlin Road to the back lot, near the restrooms. Snowshoers typically head downhill to a trail that winds along Tumalo Creek. Skiers tend to take off from the parking area, scoot past the road barrier, and follow the unplowed road through the park’s valley. The nearly flat start is great for warming up the legs and building confidence.

Well-built bridges cross the creek several times.

Ski down the road as far as you like, then take one of the trails that branch to the left to end up along the creek. You’ll cross over several well-built bridges, where you’ll want to to watch the creek bubble through snow and ice. More advanced skiers can turn right and head uphill to follow mountain bike trails, adding length and more technical difficulty to their experience.

Because Shevlin is at a lower elevation than Bend’s designated Sno Parks, the park has a shorter snow season than the rest of the Cascades. This year there is plenty of snow at Shevlin but should temps take an upward swing, expect to see melting. Take advantage of this year’s terrific snow pack and head over to Shevlin for a gorgeous day.

Beautiful in all seasons, Shevlin is especially grand under a new coat of snow.

Dogs are welcome on leash only.

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