2008 Hit List: Event Rides & Volunteer Opportunities

Part 3 of 3

For rides in this category, the objective is to have a day (or two) of fun with cycling buddies on or off your bike. These rides might feel a bit competitive depending on the cast of characters in your group, but no times or places are recorded for the event. Rides in this category can be a great training tool for “big” rides like the Seattle to Portland (STP).

Club-sponsored event rides are a great way to have a day of healthy fun with friends.

As an alternative to non-stop pedaling this season, consider volunteering to support one of the local events. We have some pretty high-profile rides in the Northwest, and their success depends on volunteer efforts.

Although it might seem like a long schlep from the Seattle area, consider adding one or more Oregon rides to fill out your cycling calendar. Popular Oregon rides include Reach the Beach, the Pioneer Century, Strawberry Century, the Watermelon Rides (which offers routes up to 200 miles), and the Blackberry Bramble.

If the “Century” part of these sounds intimidating, understand that most also have ~25 and ~65 mile versions, which means there are usually routes to suit cyclists of any ability.

There are too many to list in this category, but here are some to consider:

Ride Around Clark County (RACC)
May 3

I think the Vancouver Bike Club puts on one of the best-organized rides in the Northwest, with above-average attention to detail. For example, at last year’s event I noticed (as riders dipped their sweat and snot-encrusted cycling gloves into a fruit bowl) that the food-handling volunteers wore gloves to keep things sanitary.

Like most club-sponsored event rides, RACC offers routes in several distances, and you can choose the one that best matches your ambitions for the day. If you are training for STP, this is a ride worth adding to your calendar. The 100-mile route features over 4600′ of climbing. There are plenty of steep rollers to keep the cardiovascular system in a state of excitement all day long. And just when you hope it’s over, the ride finishes with a strenuous abdominal workout called Felida Hill.

Mt. Lakes Challenge

June 21

Here’s your excuse to spend a weekend in Ashland and mix cycling and Shakespeare. The 100-mile version of this ride is tough , and includes over 10,000′ of climbing, gorgeous scenery, and an awesome descent back into Ashland. Expect heat: In 2006 my speedo recorded an average temperature over 100.

Native Planet Classic
June 21

Cycling over Hwy 20 on June 21 sounds like an invitation to hypothermia, but weather permitting, this is a great addition to Washington’s cycling calendar. If you need to get in some hills prior to STP (you get 10,400′ on the longest course), consider adding this ride to your training schedule. The 127 mile “super century” will help you get in the mileage you need if you plan to ride STP in a day. The organizers will record your finish time if you keep track of it yourself.

Seattle to Portland (STP)
July 12 – 13

A rite of passage for many, and an annual ritual for others. This is the marquee cycling event in the Northwest, and a great “first” double-century (200-mile ride). If this is on your calendar, you are probably already training for it. If not, connect with the Cascade Bicycle Club Training Series to get your body tuned up.

Another reason to get in some group rides prior to this event: I heard reports from a variety of riders that last year’s event involved a number of serious bicycle accidents. The Cascade Bicycle Club offers group riding skills classes that can get you the bike handling skills you need to avoid catastrophe.

Check the Cascade Bicycle Club message board for everything from riding tips to searching for compatible riding partners.

STP in a day: A 200-mile long stream of cyclists.

RAMROD: Ride Around Mount Rainier in One Day
July 31

RAMROD is another big-name Northwest ride. RAMROD entry is by lottery, which probably adds to its appeal. If you don’t get a spot in the first round, hang on. There is usually a way to eventually get into the ride–in the past the organizers have set up a way to trade/exchange entries.

Although this is the kind of ride I crave, I’m not sure I’ll ever do it. In 1996 I nearly died in an auto accident on Hwy 410, so this route has extremely bad ju ju for me. I’ve gotten in a couple times, but one time I conveniently “forgot” my cycling shoes, and other times something “more urgent” came up in my schedule. I take these as omens, and this year I plan to volunteer for the Redmond Cycling Club and help support the riders.

What’s on your hit list?

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