2008 Hit List: Racing for the Recreational Cyclist

Part 1 of 3

By mid-January, the cycling enthusiast begins to develop sweaty palms and general anxiety in anticipation of the big objective(s) on the season’s calendar. The season’s training plan takes shape and excuses begin to propagate about why fitness activities consume so much of the cycling addict’s free time. On the other hand, by mid-season, the non-cycling spouse is usually impressed with the addict’s fitness.

As you assemble your training schedule and cycling hit list for 2008, here are some ideas to consider:

2008 Hit List: Racing for the Recreational Cyclist
If you’ve ever tried to out-sprint or out-climb your cycling buddies during a group ride, you have at least a bit of the competitive DNA needed for racing. If you’ve ever felt this urge, you need to enter at least one bike race just to see what it’s like. A couple races early in the season is a great way to set an aggressive tempo for the rest of your season, and after a few insane efforts under competitive conditions, the rest of the season will feel like a cakewalk.

For recreational riders, time trialing can be a great high-intensity addition to your training plan.

Time trials (listed as “TTs” in race calendars) are a perfect way to explore your cardiovascular and mental mettle, and are relatively safe since you don’t need to navigate your bike in a tight group at high speed. For example, the upcoming offers a “retro” category for riders with no aero equipment, and is a great opportunity for new or infrequent racers to compete against similarly (un)equipped riders.

To make race-day travel and meal planning easier, most TTs accept online registration and post start times prior to race day.

Another suggestion is to look for “easy” road races, like the Cherry Pie or Piece of Cake, which usually offer an “old and slow” (40+ cat 4/5) race. Treat the standard “Masters” category with caution: This is a code word describing riders who have competed since their teens and who are faster than you just standing at the start line. Even in the geriatric and infirm category, expect average speeds over 22 mph on flat courses. For starters, look for races with no or minimal hills. If you are a competent climber in a recreational setting, you may be suffering the delusion that you are a climber. At race pace even mild rolling hills will feel like a nazi-era biochemistry experiment is being conducted in your thighs.

The challenges of road racing include moving efficiently over a variety of terrain at high speed, and developing the skills needed to cycle in close proximity to other racers.

Registration requirements vary on the event. At most races in Washington, you need a WSBA number to compete. If you’re not a member, you can usually rent a number for $5 plus a $5 deposit. Annual WSBA membership is only $15, so if you’re likely to do more than 3 races, it’s worth the investment to buy a number for the season. Annual WSBA numbers are not available for purchase at races.

At USA Cycling-sanctioned races, you need a USAC license ($60), which are NOT available at races. Beginner/novice (cat 4) women and (cat 4 and cat 5) men can purchase a one-day license at any race. If you buy an annual USAC license online at the last minute, be sure to print a copy of the receipt as your authorization to compete until the actual license comes in the mail.

Check out the WSBA and OBRA calendars for officially sanctioned events.

Whether or not you’ve had a “good race” is less a matter of where you place and more a matter of how violent the wretching after you cross the finish line.

What’s on your hit list?

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