Critical Mess

Cyclists armed with u-locks and knives + motorist wound just a little too tight = recipe for disaster

After Friday’s fracas here are a few questions that deserve answers:

1. What has Critical Mass actually accomplished to produce positive changes for cyclists?

2. How many fewer cars are on the road as a result of Critical Mass’ actions?

3. Can Critical Mass participants provide evidence that the cycling community is safer or better off as a result of their protests?

Incidents like last Friday’s violence are perfect ammo for bicycle-hating nut cases looking for an excuse to reciprocate on the nearest cyclist. Should my cycling buddies and I thank Critical Mass the next time an insult or beer can is hurled at us? Violence begets violence.

Solution to a crazed automobile driver trying to flee the scene: Simple. Dial 911. Record the car’s license plate. Take pictures of the crime: Most cell phones have cameras, most urban-dwelling humans have cell phones.

In case you are unclear about Critical Mass’ goals, here is what is listed on its web site:

to assert cyclists right to the road
Does a Critical Mass event assert cyclist’s rights on the road, or just aggravate everyone including pedestrians and avid cyclists who just happen to be in their cars (or maybe even on their bikes) at the time of the protest?

We should assert our right to the road every time we are on our bikes by positively interacting with vehicular traffic. Cycle offensively or defensively as circumstances dictate. Move through traffic under the assumption that every driver and other cyclist is clueless. Smile and wave to reinforce positive motorist behavior: Say thank you. It takes two to share the road: Cyclists, do your part.

to promote bikes as a fun, healthy viable alternative to cars
Just off the top of my head, Cascade, Group Health, and any bike club or team effectively do this without disrupting traffic or slashing tires.

$6 / gallon gas is going to do more to promote cycling than a mass protest that is prone to violent outbursts.

to build a greater sense of community
Was Friday’s event really a community-building activity?

Talk with the members of any of our great local teams and clubs and they will bubble with enthusiasm about the great sense of community and camaraderie they feel with their cycling buddies. All with no violence required.

to get more folks on bikes
How is aggravating people going to cultivate a larger pool of bike riders?

Really. I want to know.

We have one of the largest and most well-organized bike clubs in the country which includes the Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation dedicated to doing just this.

Windshield and skull bashing are not on the curriculum, and I doubt that knives are on the recommended gear list.

simply to celebrate bike love and ride in solidarity with other like minded individuals and have some fun!
Maybe I’m missing the point, but disrupting traffic doesn’t seem like “bike love” to me. I celebrate bike love by riding my bike. I celebrate bike love with like-minded individuals by participating in group rides, event rides or races.

overall the ride is what you make it!
And maybe this is the real strike against Critical Mass. Since it’s a leaderless group, there is no accountability, and participants can easily point fingers at everyone else in the crowd.

Civil disobedience is a cornerstone of our democracy, but Critical Mass is deceiving itself if it thinks it is walking in the footsteps of MLK or Gandhi, both of whom were evangelists for nonviolent protest.

KUOW’s The Conversation: Bikes versus Cars

Cascade’s statement.

Bicycle commuting tips from the Washington Post.

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