Early Winter Motivation: Group Rides

When it comes to winter cycling I’m pretty much a slacker. I have two well-advertised (by me) excuses:

1. The “wet pavement rule,” which is if the pavement is wet, I (usually) don’t ride. It’s not that I dislike riding in the wet per se, I just hate a dirty bike. (I do in fact like how road grit sloshing around in your mouth provides a mechanical tooth-whitening effect that you just can’t get from expensive dental products.)

2. The “sub-40 degree rule,” which is if the temperature is below 40, it’s time to brew another cup of coffee or go skiing.

There is a third excuse, which I am reminded of this past week: Cold stagnant air. The air quality in Seattle has been downright skanky the last week or so. My lungs even hurt breathing indoors the past few days.

Pacific Northwest chain lube: This is what I hate about cycling in wet conditions.

Yeah, I’m a slacker, but it’s not that I don’t pedal during the winter–I do spin classes and get on my trainer–but that’s just not cycling, is it? And after a lengthy spell of only riding on a trainer, the first couple days on the road are always a shock to the system. Whatever training benefit you get from a spin class is better than nothing, but stationary cycling simply doesn’t translate when the rubber hits the road where tire friction and air resistance conspire to make it feel like you’re pedaling into a wall.

I typically end the wet pavement boycott in early March, at which point the volume of indoor cycling has driven me almost completely insane. This winter is different, though, because I’ve been regularly riding in conditions that are both wet and cold.

I do have some *big* cycling projects in my calendar this year that are providing some motivation, but the main reason I’ve been getting out is the pleasure I get from group riding. I don’t know of any other sporting activity that has the same level of energy and camaraderie as cycling with a group in a rotating paceline. I periodically have skiing days where the energy is similar, but the camaraderie is completely unique to cycling. I’m not the only one: This excellent piece about the lost art of the group ride has been making the rounds for a couple years.

The best group rides stop for mechanical problems along the way: High Performance Cycling team members David McKinnie and Adam Morley supervise Tobias Holgers’ tire repair.

I ride with two groups on a regular basis. As co-manager of the Cascade Bicycle Club‘s High Performance Cycling Team I get to ride with folks who are very fit and motivated to achieve ambitious cycling objectives. I also frequently ride with a top-secret invitation-only off-the-radar group called the Cheasty Boys; I’m aware of a couple similar groups that aren’t as top secret–Goosebumps, and Earthdreams–that also have devoted regulars.

There is no better way to build your bike handling skills and fitness than to regularly ride in a group with accomplished riders, and here in the Seattle area there is a wide range of group rides from which to choose. If you are new to group cycling, and if a comfortable pace for you is less than 18mph on the flats, the best place to start is with the Cascade Bicycle Club. Although pacelines are generally discouraged on Cascade rides, their group rides are a good starting point for getting used to riding near others. If you are comfortable riding faster than 20 mph on the flats then High Performance Cycling and most race teams (see blog sidebar for links) incorporate group riding, paceline and bike handling skills clinics in their programs. Cycle U offers a range of bike skills clinics. If you are fast and have solid group riding skills and want to test yourself against the best in the area during the winter months, then check out the Rocket RIde (which is a “drop” ride at race pace).

Cheasty Boyz Lake WA Loop from David Longdon on Vimeo.

Periodically there are reports of riders with abundant physical talent but limited group cycling experience at local races or group rides who do something that causes a crash or some other problem. The typical remedy usually includes yelling, harsh words, and hurt feelings. If this describes you, the best way to avoid such a situation is to swallow a humility pill then learn and practice the basics before jumping into the deep end of the swimming pool. Take a clinic at CycleU and see what the Online cycling forums have to say. Practice regularly. If you are joining a new group ride make a point of introducing yourself to the ride leader before the start, and let him/her know you are practicing your group riding skills. The ride leader may ask you to ride at the back of the group and observe, and maybe give you some tips about joining the fun.

Whatever path you take, group riding is one of the most enjoyable facets of cycling and I encourage you to get the skills and find groups that work for you.

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