Every Fall Seattle’s racing teams shuffle a bit with racers moving to teams that are a better fit for their cycling and racing ambitions, or for more compatible social dynamics. The big news for 2015 is the addition of a new women’s squad to the long-established Garage Racing team, which to date has been comprised of **dudes**.
The new Garage women’s squad consists of five very experienced competitors who share the goal of using teamwork to dominate local races and make frequent podium appearances.

Racing matriarch Martha Walsh:
“It’s exciting to see a group of such talented racers come together on one team. With their diverse backgrounds and experience, these women will definitely change the team dynamics in local racing.”
Garage Racing veteran Tom Wick explained how it came about:
“Many of us knew Cynthia from some great training rides. She came to us asking about putting together a women’s team. She had some ideas, knew some women who would join her, and she was laid-back about it. We talked about it and thought she fit the team dynamic well. We thought her idea of putting together the women’s team sounded perfect. Start small, show some power, get some notice. Rule some podiums.
So we let her run with it! She and Heidi Wood formed a great base and they pulled in a total of FIVE Cat 1-2 women. We really liked their shared focus on teamwork and racing for fun over individual wins.”
The Garage women’s squad has 46 years of racing experience between the five riders. They intend to help establish a positive tone in the women’s peloton and motivate more women to race bikes. Cynthia’s vision is to establish a team of elite level riders whose focus remains local, and who can show how to successfully race as a cohesive unit. They want team results over individual results:
“Racing as a team is fun. It is fulfilling and it gets results. By adding this aspect to the local scene we strive to round out the choices, experiences, and options for women in the future.”

Cady Chintis
Age: 32
Hometown: Ferndale, MI
Profession: Architect at WC STUDIO
Named after: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a leader in the in the movement for equal rights for women in the United States and throughout the world.
Growing up in the motor city, where everyone drives everywhere, I felt the need to satisfy a curiosity about what it would be like to live without a personal vehicle. I spent a summer in the Netherlands where I learned to go everywhere by bike. When I returned to the States, I continued this habit in Chicago while studying for a Masters in Architecture. School ended, I had more time for exercise, and riding my bike increasingly replaced running or gym time. I finally decided to buy a road bike and told the salesperson I definitely did not intend to race. About 6 months later, I won my category at a local kermesse and I’ve been racing ever since.

Cynthia Maree
Age: 46
Hometown: Corvallis, OR
Profession: Physician
I credit my father for introducing me to the love of cycling. He took me on my first tandem bike tour around Mt. Hood when I was 12. From there we toured a number of times around Oregon. I toured Ireland with my mother when I was 16. However it was not until medical school that I began to race bicycles. I had injured my knee skiing and took to the bike more. When I moved to the bay area I found a couple other medical students to show me around the hills there. They dragged me to a meeting for Stanford Cycling Club. I was hoodwinked into my first race, a hill climb time trial. To my surprise, I won. Big mistake. I thought this cycling thing is easy. Ha. But I had found my passion and I have never looked back. I have raced for 23 yrs. From collegiate to professional to local elite teams. I also participated in the first all women’s team RAAM (Race Across America). Even though I think every year will be the last, I will probably be riding/racing my bike for many more.

Heidi Wood
Age: 29
Hometown: St. Paul, MN
Profession: Chemical Engineer at GE WaterEver since I graduated from college I wanted to do triathlons; I was a long-time competitive swimmer and ran a fair bit, so when I moved to Seattle I purchased the final piece, a bike. Cycling was my worst and least favorite of the three disciplines. In hindsight maybe that was because my first triathlon season I cycled with tennis shoes on top of clipless Look pedals. A year later I joined a friend (now husband) on a group cycling ride across the North Cascades Highway and was told I should take up bike racing since I was riding with or ahead of a lot of the girls who did race. I tried road racing the next season, and am now fully immersed in racing road and cyclocross.

Julie Robertson
Age: 45
Hometown: Blaine, MN
Profession: Physician at Harborview/UWI started riding at age 37 at the suggestion of a friend when I was starting couples counseling with my now ex-husband. I left the last day of counseling when we decided to divorce and bought a bike on the way home at Montlake Cycle Shop. That next Spring I rode with a rag-tag group from my gym. We did Chilly Hilly, the Seven Hills of Kirkland, RAMROD and I joined the Wines of Washington Race Team that Fall. I quickly fell in love with road racing, the climbs and stage racing, and the new group of strong and independent women I met in the cycling community. Those connections led to developing a new outlook on life, and helped me to reclaim my identity and my role as a parent. I backed-off road racing after 5 years and transitioned to cyclocross as my kids’s lives became more their own, and I missed other activities that fell to the wayside due to road racing. My older son (14) has joined me in cyclocross racing for 5 years. I’ve dabbled in track, and started mountain bike racing last year and will try kermesse racing this year in addition to reintroducing myself to road racing with different goals than when I was in my 30’s (more big picture). Like Cynthia, racing and riding my bike is just in my blood now and that looks a little different every year. Bike racing is a way to always keep learning something new about myself…

Theresa Harding
Age: 36
Hometown: Batavia, NY
Profession: Nurse
While in college in Missoula, Montana, I utilized the bike as a mode of transportation. Commuting morphed into exploring the mountains with friends, including the Rattlesnake Wilderness Area and Blue Mountain.Then, a co-worker encouraged me to join a group training for RATPOD–Ride Around The Pioneer mountains in One Day. It’s a fundraiser for CAMP-MAK-A-DREAM, an organization with a heart-felt history and mission. I was inspired and I used my tax return to buy a road bike. We started training together. I was filled with self-doubt, and wasn’t sure I could do the 150+ mile ride. She encouraged me, taught me how to train, and reassured me saying, “I won’t leave you.” So, we did it together. I finished and had the most amazing time on my bike. This started my love of charity rides, which I continue to support as often as I can. The energy is so positive and encouraging. I love it!After the loss of my mother to cancer in 2010, I spent hours on my bike for therapy. I knew a girl who raced and she invited me to join her team. Since then, I cannot count the number of fabulous people I’ve met, skills I’ve learned, and places I’ve traveled by getting involved in the cycling community.
“We so thankful to Garage Racing, our sponsors and the men on our team for being super supportive of our efforts. They are more excited than we are! This is contagious and we know we can learn a great deal from the excellent racers on the Garage men’s squad.”
“We look forward to adding a few more racers this or next season and will be looking for Cat 3s who are ready to take it to the next level.”