Intro to Women’s Cycling and Racing Teams Series

The Seattle-area women’s peloton has enjoyed quite a bit of growth over the past few years, primarily due to the efforts of Martha Walsh and Gina Kavesh who organize the Intro to Women’s Cycling and Racing Teams Series.

2010 is the fifth year of this great event.

Gina Kavesh and women from team Group Health demo paceline technique.

During the series women from many of the local racing teams will host Sunday rides similar to the upcoming Meet the Teams rides, with the exception that these four rides are for women only, and each ride is hosted by women representatives from multiple teams. If you are new to the racing community, looking to strengthen your riding skills, thinking about racing in 2011, or looking to speak with other women about local racing teams or riding opportunities, this ride’s for you!

Dates: July 25, August 22, September 19, and October 10

Time: 9:00 AM at Pert’s in Leschi. Prepare to be on the road by 9:10 AM. Please don’t be late!

Route: South end of Lake Washington with possible addition of Mercer Island loop on the return for those looking for extra miles

Skills: Pacelines, riding a straight line, and racing tactics/techniques. Depending on turnout, we’ll break into groups no greater than 10 to keep it manageable and go over the basics, making sure to keep things fun and not stressful.

Bakery stop: Pert’s either before or after for scones & coffee.

For more information contact Gina Kavesh: gkavesh [at]

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