It’s Game Time! Race Across Oregon 2013

Believe it or not, the most fun I’ve ever had on a bike is the Race Across Oregon (RAO). The current version of RAO starts and ends in Hood River and is a giant clockwise loop that covers about 520 miles and a whopping ~45,000′ of climbing.

I’ve previously raced RAO in 2008 as part of a 4-man team comprised of friends from Eugene and Seattle-area speedster Mark Mirante (who currently races for Garage), and in 2011 I crewed for Mick Walsh’s solo attempt. This year I’ll be racing as part of a 4-man team with some High Performance Cycling teammates.

Mick Walsh chasing windmills en route to Heppner, OR during RAO 2011.

In ultra races, racers can compete as teams or as solos. As a 4-man team our basic game plan is for each rider to be racing for 30 minutes at a time, then exchange with another rider, get in a support vehicle and rest for 90 minutes. We race non-stop through the night with a racer on the road at all times and the two support vehicles leapfrogging down the course. All things being equal, this works out to a relatively modest ~130 miles and ~11,000’+ of climbing per racer.

Relentless climbing is a hallmark of the Race Across Oregon.

Unfortunately this year’s field is not as large as we had hoped, but but we do expect competition from some strong 2-man teams (one of which includes Furnace Creek 508 veteran Jim Ryan from Sammamish), and a mixed gender team from Oregon. The race could very well go down to the wire with the other 4-person team, though we have a few tactical tricks we plan to deploy to distance ourselves from the competition.

In 2011 Mick Walsh wore an ice vest (blue) to stay cool during the heat of the day.

High Performance Cycling’s 2013 RAO team includes:

* Danny Warner, who has recently discovered an affinity for 24 hour mountain bike races. A 4-man RAO will be a piece of cake for him.
* John Pottle, who is a very strong recreational rider and is a strong climber. I think John has only competed in one individual time trial
* Scott “Stoli” Stolnack, who is an avid individual time trialist and is training for the upcoming masters national time trial championships.
* David Longdon (me): I am the “glue” figuratively and literally holding the team together and to the pavement. As the weakest climber in the bunch I definitely feel pressure to deliver the best I can this year.

Ultra events can only happen because of the support crew. This year’s crew includes:

* Mark Vohr
* Rob Snyder
* Sam Huffman, who is a recovering Randonneur from the Portland area, and who has previously crewed the Furnace Creek 508.

And a thanks to Cycle University and Craig Undem for the generous use of their suburban!

The team race starts at 7 AM on Saturday and there are a number of ways you can follow our progress:

Live GPS Tracker
Periodic video clips and interviews

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