I met Tom during a Goose Bumps ride last month. From an athletic perspective I could immediately tell there was something special about him. Physically, he’s built like a lean quarter-miler. A couple comments like “pretty good for an old guy, uh?” got me wondering: How old IS this guy?
Older athletes like Tom are a source of both inspiration and envy. Inspiration, because they possess a level of fitness we’d all like to have as we age. Envy, because in most cases they have natural abilities we never had.
Age: 69
Club Affiliations:
Cascade Cycling Club, Redmond Cycling Club
I have been married for 37 years. My wife Angie is a specialist in international education and has her own business which works principally with Middle Eastern clients. Our son, Michael, graduated from Seattle University last year with a degree in fine arts. He currently works for a Seattle art firm.

Tom refueling during the infamous 2005 Redmond Cycling Club “Mazama Ride” during which the weather tested the determination of all the riders.
First things first. What bicycles are you riding these days?
I’m not an engineer, but have watched with interest over the years the advance in materials used in building bike frames (Some might say ‘change’ instead of ‘advance’ and not all for the better; here I’m thinking steel frame adherents.) and in the advanced technology of today’s bike components. I liken them to Swiss watches. I have an Abici, a compact Italian aluminum (Columbus?) frame, with mostly DA components. I also have a compact carbon-frame, probably made by Kuota (my nephew sourced it so it came directly from the manufacturer with no brand stickers attached), which is also outfitted with DA components. Depending on terrain and my mood, I ride one or the other: It seems I’m better on the Abici if I’m going to be out climbing a lot, the CF with deep-dish rims if it looks like riding mostly on flats is the order of the day.
Your level of fitness is impressive. Tell us about your athletic experiences over the years.
I was an avid runner for 40 years. I ran for Highline HS in 1956-57 and our mile relay team was undefeated in 1956. Unfortunately, the mile relay was not then an event run at the state level.
During a 2-year stint in the US Army (stationed at Fort Sill Oklahoma from 1958-60) I ran distances from 440 yards to 3 miles. We competed against several universities in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas and won the 4th Army Championships in 1959.
When I got out of the Army I had several athletic scholarship offers (Hardin-Simmons, Texas Christian U., and University of Oklahoma). I accepted a full-ride scholarship from OU, but was not ready to settle into student life until some eight years later.
I returned to Seattle, worked for a year then headed for Europe in 1963. I lived and taught English in Barcelona, Spain for 3 years.
During that time I ran track for FC Barcelona (the noted soccer juggernaut and supporter of minor sports). My best distance was the mile (4:16); I got the half-mile down to 1:57, and ran a 49.5 in a mile-relay event.
I’ve also played a fair amount of tennis over the years.
The Velocity Blog’s “Rider Profiles” highlight the accomplishments of some of our amazing local cycling athletes, and provides insight into their lives that may inspire us all.
No wonder you are such a strong cyclist. How did you get into cycling?
I had done some biking off and on over the years, but got serious in 1997.
As a runner, I began to incur an increase in nagging injuries (twisted ankle, shin splints, sore hip, etc) and my GHC doctor, a cyclist, talked me into riding more and running less. He said he thought the constant bone-jarring aspect of running was a possible cause for some of my minor injuries. Also, my nephew, a Cat 3-4 racer, got me out on occasion and then started building a bike for me. It didn’t take long before I was hooked; and, it wasn’t too much later that I connected with the group known as Goose Bumps.
What is your yearly cycling routine like?
I average 90 miles a week in winter and about 120 during the summer for a yearly total of around 6,000 miles.
Although you ride like a much younger rider, do you make any age-related adjustments to your fitness routine?
At my age I find that if, week after week, I do a 60-90 mile ride with a fast group on Sundays (usually the Goose Bumps), two recovery rides during the week is enough to keep me near my peak. If I try to do more, I’ll often be over-trained and not ride as well. It can be a tricky balance to maintain.
For maintaining core strength, I like to mix in yoga exercises at home and Bikram yoga classes at a studio in winter.
What keeps you cycling?
I cycle for exercise and getting outdoors–into the elements and nature. I find it a regenerative, meditative experience. Along with getting enough sleep and eating the right foods it provides that balance so important to one’s physical and mental well-being.