Seattle’s Wednesday Night World Championships

Last year, to fill a void in Seattle’s bike racing calendar, former pro Russell Stevenson launched the NW MTB Series.

Event organizer Russell Stevenson does a random swag giveaway at the start of each race.
Event organizer Russell Stevenson does a random swag giveaway at the start of each race.

Dubbed the “Wednesday Night World Championships,” the series is held from mid-April to mid-September on a mostly single-track course at North Sea Tac Park:

The “world championship” reference pokes fun at the fact that although riders at other weekly competitions (and even group rides) are just out for bragging rights (or if they are lucky, Girl Scout cookies), everyone acts as though World Championship stripes are on the line.

Pink socks always take the fastest line.
Pink socks always take the fastest line.

The basic route is a ~3 mile lap that zigs and zags and hairpins around the park. The local park authorities have been excited to see the NW MTB Series catch on. Russell and a crew of volunteers have put in a lot of labor to develop and maintain the course. What Russell is doing at North Sea Tac Park seems similar to what Dave Douglas has done with the Thursday Seward Park Series in terms of literally cleaning up the park and creating spaces that are viable for “legit” purposes.

Thumbs up!
Thumbs up!

I had been meaning to pay a visit since last year, but only got around to it last Wednesday, May 27. I was a tad concerned about the commute time, but from the Central District it only took me 25 minutes at rush hour. Russell mentioned he thought that it would be a tough commute from the North or East.

Happy girl headed for the finish line.
Happy girl headed for the finish line.

There are currently two self-seeded races: B (“sport”) and C (“beginner”) races start at 6 pm and run for about 45 minutes, and the A (“expert”) race starts at 7pm and runs for about an hour.

Nice cornering technique combined with a big smile.
Nice cornering technique combined with a big smile.

In contrast to the grimaces I’m used to seeing and photographing at roadie events, racers at the NW MTB Series actually look like they are having fun, even when they are pushing hard. It was nice to see all those smiling faces! And that positive vibe was everywhere–a welcoming start/finish area where everyone cheered on the competitors as they went through each lap, and a fun swag giveaway at the start of each event.

There's a smile under that beard.
There’s a smile under that beard.

After the 6 pm race I debriefed with Chris Gossard (Fischer Plumbing). In addition to just plain having fun, he likes to get on the mountain bike to practice his bike handling skills, which in turn helps his road bike handling skills.

Post race debrief.
Post race debrief.

I saw at least one mom riding with her pre-teen son in the 6 pm race. Could that even happen in a road race? There was another pre-teen boy who stopped in the start/finish area after the first lap to get a fresh bottle from his mom who had been given strict orders about what to do when during the race. Mom was absolutely elated that her son was so engaged in the event.

Chris Gossard perfects his mowed grass technique.
Chris Gossard perfects his mowed grass technique.

Flickr Gallery of the May 27 6PM race

There were slightly fewer smiles during the 7 pm race, but the fun factor was still obvious:

Team Audi scores smile points.
Team Audi scores smile points.
Rockin' a tank top and a smile.
Rockin’ a tank top and a smile.
For some there is a fine line between a grimace and a smile.
For some there is a fine line between a grimace and a smile.
Erik Olson is either tongue-wagging tired or goofing for the camera.
Erik Olson is either tongue-wagging tired or goofing for the camera.
Smile lit by an evening sunbeam.
Smile lit by an evening sunbeam.
Looks surprised he stuck the landing.
Looks surprised he stuck the landing.
The venue is a pretty cool vantage point to watch the jetliners take off from Sea Tac airport.
The venue is a pretty cool vantage point to watch the jetliners take off from Sea Tac airport.
A non-stop smile emanating from this racer.
A non-stop smile emanating from this racer.
The chase is on: Erik Olson leads a group  over an obstacle and through the woods.
The chase is on: Erik Olson leads a group over an obstacle and through the woods.

Flickr Gallery of the May 27 7PM race

The NW MTB Series continues through September 16th 2015.

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