The Goose Bumps

Cycling enthusiasts looking for upcoming rides on the Cascade or Redmond Cycling Club ride calendars no doubt notice the “Goose Bumps” rides that periodically appear on the menu.

While no self-respecting Seattle-area cycling veteran is likely to admit ignorance about the Goose Bumps or the meaning of the Goose Bumps acronym, I’m relatively new to town and in a position to unabashedly ask the dumb questions everyone else really wants to ask. Cascade’s repeating rides list includes the MUMPS and FRUMPS, but no mention of a Goose Bump.

Who and what are the Goose Bumps? Here is an attempt to set the record straight for everyone:

According to founding Gosling Dottie Smith (Grammy Goose), she and Kent Davis (Papa Goose) met at the Bothell library about 11 years ago to brainstorm a new ride.

Dottie: “Kent really wanted something that did the back-roads instead of Seattle. Since there were already MUMPS and FRUMPS rides, a named that rhymed was appealing. Goose Bumps” came up and the acronym stood for…” (drum roll, multiple choice question):

a) Get Out Of Seattle Environs; bicycle ???

b) Get Out Of Seattle Eastward and ???

c) Get Out Of Seattle Exhaust and Bicycle Under March’s Partial Sunshine
nice try, but it’s a…

d) Trick question. It is only possible to know and understand the answer when in a state of consciousness that has been altered with precisely titrated volumes of lactate, endorphins, and your favorite post-ride beverage.

Dottie: “The ride originally started at Logboom Park, then Kent moved it to Sammamish River Park just east of Bothell Landing, and finally to Redhook Brewery.

Over the years, the Goose Bumps developed a loyal following as a result of Kent’s meticulously prepared maps and cue sheets, and the group’s emphasis on safe and considerate riding skills. There is also a yearly invitation-only, weeklong cycling trip that reinforces friendships developed during the weekly rides. The weeklong trips run about 400-500 miles with 25,000-35,000 feet of climbing, and are located in adjacent states and provinces.

In the beginning, Kent led the main “brisk” group, Bill Pence led the fast group, and Dottie led the moderates. Later, as a love interest led Dottie astray, Sylvia Shiroyama led the moderates.

Currently, there are two groups:

The Rabbits, led by David Roberts, move at a Cascade “strenuous plus” pace, and have a reputation for long, fun rides that include sprinting for intermediary points, and vying for KOM honors. All executed with smiles, and efficient and nimble bicycle handling technique. David’s Rabbit ride series is designed to prepare cyclists for a 1-day STP and/or RAMROD. Rabbit regulars Orin Eman and Pete Rankin faithfully provide co-leading services, and fill in when David can’t make it.

The Laughing Group forms the foundation of the Goose Bumps. According to Laughing Group ride leader Bill Pence, riders in the Laughing Group “are interested in riding with their friends, not against them.”

Bill: “The Laughing Group is the relaxed Goose Bumps ride; we stay together, regroup on hills, and ride for fun. We ride in pacelines, so this ride is for experienced cyclists who don’t want to hammer.” Dottie rides sweep with the Laughing Group.

Kent occasionally shows up and creates his own small group called Goldilocks – not too fast and not too slow.

Over the years, membership waned with changes in the lives of the membership, including a back injury for Bill. By 2007, membership had dwindled to four according to lead Rabbit David Roberts. David, who has been a Gosling since 1998 didn’t want the Goose Bumps to die, so he took Cascade’s ride leader class, got certified, and began leading and publishing the Rabbit ride on Cascade’s calendar.

As a whole, the Goose Bumps are based on the camaraderie that can grow from group cycling adventures short and long.

Bill: “My goal is to attract a group of regular riders with skill and experience who like to ride with each other on a regular basis, and also socialize together. I want to ride with my friends, and one of the reasons I do this (lead Goose Bumps rides) is to make those friends. Think of this as a club that actually acts as a club, where we get together and do things with a fairly small group of people that we like to be with, and get together for a beer afterwards. Those people who join us for a beer are the ones I’m looking for. We party together and go on bike tours together, and even go to cultural events together. This is the way group evolved since Kent and Dottie started the ride, and reflects Kent’s original philosophy about the ride.

To emphasize the central role of the Goose Bumps’ social component, Social Directors Erika Lim and Kristie Salinger organize parties and social events.

Meet the Flock:

Rabbit rides are listed on Cascade’s Ride Calendar.

Laughing Group rides are listed with the Redmond Cycling Club.

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