Many high schools provide students with alternative ways to earn P.E. credits. At Squalicum High School in Bellingham, this comes in the form of a “P.E. waiver” that is typically granted to students involved in extracurricular activities such as cheerleading, team sports or other physically demanding, organized after school activities (figure skating, hockey, martial arts etc.).
After a bit of persuasive argumentation within his school system, Squalicum’s principal Dr. David Engle has been able to implement an extension to the P.E. waiver program. Among other things, it gives students who regularly cycle to school a way to waive P.E. credits for their sustained commuting effort.

Welcome to the principal’s office: Dr. Engle’s quiver includes a fixie and a recently purchased foldable he plans to ride during some upcoming travel.
For students eligible to participate in the program, another benefit is that it creates an opening in their schedules (where a standard P.E. class would have been) in which they can add an academic class.
While this program is targeted towards a limited number of students, it does provide an alternative for bright students who can benefit from this kind of customization to their high school program.