Woodland Park MFG Series Finale

Sunday was the final edition of the 2016 MFG Cyclocross Series.

Cyclocross racers framed by late autumn gray skies and leafless trees.
Cyclocross racers framed by late autumn gray skies and leafless trees.

Everyone with whom I chatted remarked “perfect cyclocross conditions.” Plenty of mud to play in, but no rain at least while I was there between 11 and 2.

Best facial expression: This racer was gasping for air as he entered an easier section of the course.
Best facial expression: This racer was gasping for air as he entered an easier section of the course.

There are two remaining events in the Cross Revolution Series: A Cross the Creek on November 20, and in honor of the late Jerry Baker, Cross is Everywhere (JB) on November 27.

Racers getting sprayed with beer and snow (snow machine to the left) at "Hodala Corner."
Racers getting sprayed with beer and snow (snow machine to the left) at “Hodala Corner.”
Jeffrey Miller (front) and Zac Daab (middle) negotiate a technical side-slope section of the course.
Jeffrey Miller (front) and Zac Daab (middle) negotiate a technical side-slope section of the course.
Racers prepare to dismount as they approach some barriers. A few racers were able to bunny hop over them.
Racers prepare to dismount as they approach some barriers. A few racers were able to bunny hop over them.

Flickr Album 11:00AM-2:00PM

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