A Jolly Hike

With all of the great hikes along the I-90 corridor between Seattle and Snoqualmie Pass, its hard to break the habit and try something different. We often zip up I-90 for a quick hike and can be back in town in time to spend the afternoon doing household chores.

“This is ridiculously steep!”

This summer’s cool, wet weather provided the impetus to try something different. Last year we did an overnight to Robin and Tuck Lakes which is accessed via the Salmon La Sac Road northwest of Roslyn and Cle Elem. A few weeks ago, under rainy conditions in Seattle, and feeling desperate to move our bodies, we headed eastward again up the Salmon La Sac Road for a dry hike to Jolly Mtn.

We selected this hike because the guidebook listed it as strenuous and we wanted the workout, and because it promised scenic vistas. I musta missed the fine print about the trail being “multi use,” which includes motorized vehicles and firearm-bearing pedestrians.

The 2+ hour drive to the trailhead passes through the town of Roslyn, which was made famous in David Lynch’s TV series, Northern Exposure. Even if I didn’t know about Northern Exposure I’d say Roslyn has a quirky vibe to it. After our hike last year we stopped there to try to find a post-hike meal, but didn’t like the feel of any of the places we stepped into. As you continue up the Salmon La Sac Road it feels like a journey into Tea Party territory, and pass what could only be described as encampments along the way.

Rain in Seattle means beautiful clouds lapping over the eastern flank of the Cascades.

After some circling and misdirection we parked at a picnic area just past the Cayuse Horse Camp. The guide book was a bit vague about the location of the trailhead, which is in the Cayuse Horse Camp. If you are not a horseperson with a trailer, park off the main road in the picnic area. After more circling and misdirection on foot we finally found the trailhead and we were off. Whatever perception of wilderness serenity we thought we might be feeling was immediately shattered by the sound of automatic gunfire in the distance.

The first mile or so is a horse trail that wanders up through a clear cut. Being a horse trail, the trail surface is mostly a fine powder with plenty of loose rocks mixed in for agility practice.At the top of the clearcut the trail gets very steep and gains about 4,000′ in about 4 miles. After the strenuous climb you gain a ridge that does indeed deliver the promised scenic vistas. The trail wanders along the ridge then up to a stone windbreak at the summit.

We expected to see others along the trail, but were surprised to encounter a group of off road motorcyclists at the top. One of the guys was quite skillful with his bike and perched it at the edge of the summit. His buddies arrived several minutes later, looking sweaty and stressed and a bit out of their league.

We had never seen a motorcycle ride to the summit of a peak like this.

While I’m not sure I can completely recommend this hike, it’s worth the drive if you are looking for a strenuous workout, and it does have amazing vistas from the ridgeline. As an added bonus, the Cle Elem River is a great place for a post-hike soak.

The Cle Elem River provides a perfect soak after a strenuous hike.

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