Crowd Surfing @ Green Lake

As discussed in other posts, evidence shows that fitness programs that rely heavily on non-impact sports like cycling can adversely affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Cross training that incorporates weight lifting, resistance training, and activities like jogging that jar the skeletal system are an essential component of a long-term health program, especially for athletes in their 40’s and beyond.

As a novice Seattleite, I’ve tended to migrate towards the most convenient access points for fitness. For my running program this is currently Green Lake. The fact that I hardly ever get passed as I hobble around the Lake is probably an indicator that the serious runners train elsewhere. For the likes of me, Green Lake offers a soft gravel path that minimizes that disconcerting osteoarthritic feeling that seems to get a little worse every year.

In addition to the gravel path, a key Green Lake attraction is the crowd surfing and people watching. By crowd surfing, I mean how joggers have to dodge in and out and around the patches of people strolling around the lake. Crowd surfing can build agility, but you have to do it judiciously in order to avoid irritating the pedestrians.

As far as people watching goes, it has always amazed me how fast the mind can judge, evaluate, and reach a conclusion about someone based on nothing more than a glance. When the mind is in full people-watching mode, you are convinced that you know everything there is to know about someone within a few milliseconds.

My mind makes all manner of assumptions about the regulars at the Green Lake evening jogging scene:

-Pairs of women gossiping about work and relationships: If only their co-worker/boyfriend/husband would listen…

-Athletic mothers or fathers jogging with three-wheeled strollers: A Volvo station wagon or BMW X5 waits for them in the parking lot

-Couples romancing one another: On their first in-person dates after meeting on the Internet

-Overweight folks struggling to lose some pounds: Although I’ve never been overweight, I empathize and wish them well…


-A gentleman wearing a vest that says “Spanish Lessons”: Patiently waiting for someone who shares his passion for Spanish

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