Last Friday Seattle Critical Mass

Breaking news editor Candace Heckman’s blog has a post about today’s Critical Mass ride:

Critical Mass cyclists will meet at Westlake Park downtown at 5:30 p.m. And, as always, the mini-mass will leave at 5 p.m. from Red Square at the University of Washington to meet the main group at Westlake.

The local Critical Mass site says its reasons for being include:

to assert cyclists right to the road, to promote bikes as a fun, healthy, viable alternative to cars, to build a greater sense of community, to get more folks on bikes, or simply to celebrate bike love and ride in solidarity with other like minded individuals and have some fun!
overall the ride is what you make it!

My concern is that these rides also have the potential to (or actually do) alienate potential allies who could contribute to policy changes that actually make the roads safer and better for cyclists. Any club ride achieves the same goals listed in the Critical Mass website, except they do it without disrupting the lives of automobile commuters.

Note: Original post edited slightly @ 2:21 PM on 10/29/07 to remove some potentially offensive language. The blog system’s profanity checker didn’t catch it, maybe it wasn’t profane, maybe it was…

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