Major Taylor Project Ready for STP 2014

It’s always invigorating to chat with Ed Ewing about Seattle’s Major Taylor Project (MTP). Ed’s enthusiasm for the project has continued to grow since it’s inception, and his enthusiasm has thoroughly infected Seattle’s cycling culture. Ed is the right person at the right place at the right time to make MTP happen. (Read an excellent piece about Ed here.)

The Major Taylor Project is inspired by Marshall “Major” Taylor, who was the first African American professional cyclist. Born in 1878, Major Taylor’s professional racing career spanned 13 years and included the world one-mile track cycling championship in 1899. His commitment to cycling in the face of adversity is a source of inspiration.

The teen-aged demographic targeted by the MTP lacks many of the basic life elements most of us in a wealthy urban area take for granted. Like regular meals and a basic understanding of nutrition. Awareness about what the world is like outside the narrow corridor between their home and school. And for some, a home.

The Major Taylor Project during a Vashon Island training ride shows the range in age, race, and culture.
The Major Taylor Project during a Vashon Island training ride shows the range in age, race, and culture.

Within this context, the MTP makes this audacious proposal to students: “Let’s go on a 200-mile bike ride to Portland.” Put yourself in the shoes of a potential MTP-er: this seemingly outrageous objective is bound to blow your mind, and open you up to previously unknown levels of self-confidence and awareness.

Officially, the MTP “integrates bicycling, healthy living, bicycle maintenance, road safety awareness, and the importance of working toward individual goals.” But, drill deeper and the real benefits become clearer.

One example:

US education policy-makers have been in a decades-long effort to deconstruct the educational process into measurable chunks at the expense of less-measurable holistic learning experiences that include essentials like physical education. Cash-strapped school districts are under pressure to perform on high-stakes tests, and many end up eliminating their exercise-related programs. Against this momentum is a growing body of evidence that shows a clear positive relationship between physical fitness and academic performance. Programs like the MTP fill this gap for students who don’t have access to alternatives, or lack the family or community support for physical fitness.

The MTP program begins in March and culminates with the Seattle to Portland event ride. The students start with after school weekday rides 5-20 miles in length. Students fortunate enough to have their own bikes also ride on their own, to and from school, and with friends on weekends. Those weekday rides build up to Flying Wheels where the students self-select the distance they want to ride; this year a few did the 100-mile route.

As the program progresses the rides get longer. For example a mid-June ride went 65-miles from Seatac, through West Seattle, along the Seattle waterfront, to Ballard, then looped back via Lake WA Blvd and Seward Park. Ed makes the point that every time they leave campus there are learning opportunities: The students learn how to navigate the city, experience cultural experience, gain some fitness, and get a greater connectedness with the community at large. And as Ed puts it, every ride is a “self-contained rolling field trip.” For most of the MTP students, a bike ride to Fremont really is like visiting another universe.

A significant sign of success is that the MTP students have begun to take ownership of the program. They have defined five speed-based riding groups: “Super fast,” “fast,” “medium,” “slow,” and “fun.” The terminology has caught on with the adult volunteers and is now part of the culture of the program.

The vision for the MTP is to expand to three additional locations in the Fall, though whether that happens will depend on funding. Ed thinks that if this kind of program can succeed anywhere, Seattle is the place. Seattle is a bike-centric community and a natural for supporting progressive alternatives. The vision is to integrate bikes into the curriculum as a fitness alternative for students who aren’t drawn to traditional high school sports.

Major Taylor Project participants celebrate success at the STP finish line in 2013.
Major Taylor Project participants celebrate success at the STP finish line in 2013.

This is the sixth year MTP will be doing the Seattle to Portland ride. Things get started Friday evening July 11 with a barbecue, and a 4AM wake-up call on Saturday the 12th. The students are rolling southbound by 5:30AM. They spend Saturday night at the half-way point in Chehalis, and then are at it again early Sunday morning and finish in Portland by 5PM. All of which is supported by an amazing network of volunteers. The volunteers do meal prep and set up the tents; Cucina Fresca and Ezell’s Chicken are restaurant partners; REI donated tents and sleeping bags for 40 people.

In talking with Ed about the MTP over the past few years, I know that he has more volunteers than he can handle, but there are other ways to contribute. If you use the fitness reward program EveryMove, for example, you can designate your points for the Major Taylor Project.

Here’s wishing the Major Taylor Project students a fantastic STP 2014!

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