Obliteride Inaugural Edition

It’s hard not to be aware of the upcoming inaugural edition of the Obliteride charity event: The distinctive orange signs are prominently positioned on every cycling route in the Seattle area.

It’s impossible to ride a bike around Seattle and not see evidence of Obliteride.

Obliteride is a weekend-long event August 9-11 dedicated to rallying the Seattle community to support the extraordinary research at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (aka “Fred Hutch”).

As a nonprofit organization, Fred Hutch relies on funding from the government, individuals, businesses and foundations to fund research to eradicate cancer. Federal funding for cancer research has flat-lined in recent years, and as a result Fred Hutch has an urgent need for additional ongoing support.

There is certainly no lack of charity bicycle rides, and if you are like me it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the choices and end up not participating in any of them. Obliteride is unique in several respects that tip the balance in its favor as a charity worthy of consideration.

James Olson, M.D., Ph.D., a clinical researcher at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and a pediatric oncologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, leads research efforts in the development of “Tumor Paint” that lights up cancerous tumors in the brain so surgeons can see exactly what they need to cut out—taking out the bad stuff and leaving in the good.

First, thanks to the generous support from early anchor sponsors, University Village and The Sloan Foundation, as well as several inaugural sponsors, 100% of the funds raised by the participants go to Fred Hutch. These sponsoring organizations are committed to making Obliteride an ongoing event ”for the foreseeable future,” according to Obliteride Executive Director Amy Lavin. These sponsors have stepped up to provide the financial support necessary to ensure that Obliteride becomes an established Seattle charity event.

Second is that since Fred Hutch is local, participants’ fundraising efforts have a direct, positive, and immediate effect on our community. Financial support for Fred Hutch means supporting one of the world’s premier cancer research organizations, the results of which can help improve the chances of positive outcomes for our friends and neighbors with cancer.

Um, but what about the bike ride?

Obliteride has four options to suit every level of cyclist:

* 25 Mile
* The Pagliacci 50 MILE
* The KING 5 100 MILE
* 180 MILE (2 DAY)

Video of the 100 mile option:

All routes start at Magnuson Park, and include beautiful scenery with mixed terrain. The 100-mile route has a challenging 6,000 feet of climbing, while participants in the two-day 180-mile ride will stay overnight in furnished dorms at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma.

The fundraising requirements for Obliteride are ambitious—$1,000 to $1,975—but to reward participants’ diligent fundraising, the Obliteride staff have put together a first-class experience that include a high-quality meal by Tom Douglas at the kick-off party at Gas Works Park, generous amenities, rest stops every 10-15 miles, and fun festivities that include local bands, food and microbrews.

On the topic of ambitious fundraising, yes, it can feel intimidating at first. To help, Obliteride has put together a handy checklist to guide you. Speaking from experience and as someone who doesn’t consider himself a fundraiser, I can say that once you get into it you will surprise yourself. For several years I participated in the DoubleDay Ride to Defeat ALS and I was able to raise over $5,000 each year.

By registering now you have plenty of time to get your legs ready, and to network with potential donors.

Here’s wishing Obliteride success in its inaugural year, and many years of orange to come.

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