A highlight of the 5:30 event was a couple of juniors who spent time at the sharp end of the spear:
He’s got game face AND matching handlebar tape.Aggression on the faces of two Apex/Cycle University juniors as they hammer up the hill.Racers accelerate out of the hairpin as spectators picnic and cheer on their friends.
The 6:00 race typically has the largest participation, and Thursday was no exception:
Chasing the race leaders, Mark Roughgarden dives into the hairpin.Garage Racing’s Cynthia Maree let her hair down during the 6 PM race.
Racers who participate on a regular basis know that hamming it up might get them recognition in this blog:
This Audi racer brought his A game smile to the 6 PM race.Bonus points for simultaneously being able to race and ham it up for the camera!Apex/Cycle University teammates enjoy a picnic on the lawn.Wearing the series leader’s jersey, Jed Stremel (Audi) monitors the competition from within the main peloton.Cady Chintis (Garage) enters the hairpin.Audi teammates excitedly watch the final sprint in the 6 PM race.
The 7 PM (and sometimes the 6 PM) race frequently attracts professionals who participate to maintain their race fitness, or to get tuned up prior to upcoming races. This week, cyclocross specialist Jessica Cutler was there to get ready for the Amgen Tour of California; the women’s race begins on May 19 in South Lake Tahoe.
Colavita Pro Jessica Cutler used the 7PM race as a tune-up for upcoming participation in the Amgen Tour of California; Ella CyclingTips Editor Anne-Marije Rook (center) was there to practice her game face.Jessica Cutler displays professional bib number placement during the 7PM race.Bennett White the Elder (navy shirt) dispenses wisdom to Métier teammates.The bright jersey and target on his back make it clear that Ian Mensher is the series leader in the 7PM race.
As discussed in other posts, evidence shows that fitness programs that rely heavily on non-impact sports like cycling can adversely affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Cross training that incorporates weight lifting, resistance training, and activities like jogging that jar the skeletal system are an essential component of a long-term health program, especially for athletes in their…
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