Update: Maui Triple Challenge Pics

Some pictures of the 2006 Maui Triple Challenge, courtesy Ian Fuller:

West Maui: Meandering roads, cliffs, Starbucks coffee, beaches, & banana bread. 75 miles. 3,500′.
Haleakala: Up. Then Down. Eighty miles. Views, wind, nice road. 10,000′. The rider is Roy Wallack, outdoor adventure writer for the LA Times.

Hmmm, I think I want his job.


Hana loop: Up, down, up, down. Curve left then right then left. Repeat for 40 miles. You’re at Hana. The best curvy road you’ll ever ride with view of the blue ocean the whole way on the left and jungle on the right. Head around the backside and ride the roughest road this side of…well I don’t know where. In 50 years I’ve never ridden anything that rough on a road bike. In my book, that’s the challenge part of the “Triple Challenge.” 105 miles and another 10,000’+ feet. Maybe 11,500.’

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