Virtual Trail Running Film Festival: Trailers & Films List

Please join us in attending the 2020 Trail Running Film Festival Virtual Edition. The festivities begin at 5:30PM Friday May 1.

Northwest in Motion is hosting a discussion about the films on our Forum.

The event has been well-received by the trail running community. As of Tuesday, over 2,500 Tickets have been sold, and the event has raised over $14,000 for the YWCA Covid Relief Fund.

The Films

World Premiere! The Human Bean 25 min Beau Miles & Mitch Drummond
Australian runner Beau Miles eats his body weight in beans (inspired by half a page of a Steinbeck book), where he uses running as his litmus test throughout the 40 days challenge. Beau completes a 50k ultra on the final day, eating noting but, you guessed it, beans.

The Golden Hour 17 min Austin Meyer *Previously shown in Healdsburg, CA
The Western States 100 has a 30 hour cutoff. The “golden hour” is that last hour right before cutoffs, where all the heart, all the desire, and determination takes over. Prepare to experience all of the heart, grit, anguish, exhaustion, and exhilaration that comes in these final moments of Western States.

World Premiere! Lost & Found 13 min Christof Teuscher
The Cougar Traverse is a 242mi loop in Washington state’s Pasayten Wilderness. Without road crossings, no possibility of re-supply, and no easy bailout options, it’s the longest uninterrupted wilderness route in the lower 48. A 6-day solo self supported journey is bound to pose some deep psychological questions.

World Premiere! The Bright Side 8 min The Wild Ones
What’s the best way for a trail runner to manage the COVID-19 stay at home order? Embrace time with friends, family and your furry friends.

World Premiere! Trail Medicine 4 min Eli Tianse Abeles-Allison
A stirring story about one person’s struggle to keep her wings in the darkness. Amidst long term depression, PTSD, and anxiety, Fern discovers serenity, insight, and release in running trails. As her mental health improves, pressure to compete drives a wedge. Follow her as she seeks to rekindle her trail medicine. Set in the Northern Rockies spring.

World Premiere! Stronger Together with Special Guests
Festival Co-Director James Varner interviews various elite runners, race directors, writers, coaches and other members of the trail and ultra running community to get their perspectives on the world we live in.

Community Voices 3 min Matt Trappe
When we asked Matt Trappe how he would like to be involved in this year’s festival he suggested we ask the world to pull out their cell phones and show us their Covid 19 Era lives. Matt then took the footage and weaved it into a heartwarming short film highlighting the spirit, creativity and passion our community exudes on a daily basis whether our races and group runs are currently still happening or not.

The Ripple Effect 9 min Jenny Glennon (Nichols) & Sarah Menzies
Shot in Colorado by women filmmakers, the film celebrates the centennial of the 19th Amendment by sharing the work of sculptor Jane DeDecker. DeDecker created a monument dedicated to the women who fought tirelessly to make it possible for women to vote. To help raise awareness,we sent Trail Sisters founder Gina Lucrezi, and our ambassadors Anna Frost and Mirna Valerio to Jane’s studio in Loveland, Colorado.

The Sky Project 14 min Ryan Scura
Follow elite ultrarunner Magda Boulet as she attempts to set the Fastest Known Time (FKT) on the 172-mile Tahoe Rim Trail. But, this is not your typical running film. As a mother, ex-Olympic marathoner, and VP of R&D at GU Energy Labs, Magda is a master at balancing her training with her career and time with her family. The film uses this super-human feat to dive into her motivations, perspective, and priorities.

Chewed up. Spit out. 8 min Stephen Kersh/Rabbitwolf Creative
Know the record, then shatter it. Watch Columbia Montrail runners Yassine Diboun and Xu Lin Ju endure the heat in their quest to get the unsupported Fastest Known Time around Mt. St. Helens.

6 hours of Vert 3 min Steven Mortinson
Mack Robertson doing the 6 hour vert challenge on Elk Mountain in Oregon

The Ultimate Quarantine Workout for Lazy Runners 1 min Trail GangstAZ
We are here for you quarantined lazy runner with the ultimate workout routine! BYOB

Filmmakers in Lock Down Contest Winner! Story 0002: Ariel 12 min Pacers Running

Filmmakers in Lock Down Contest Winner! Why We Run 4 min Gabby Allen-Destroismaisons

Filmmakers in Lock Down Contest Winner! Repeats 6 min Jesse Barden

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