5 Ways to Celebrate Global Running Day with Other Runners

Did you know that Global Running Day is June 7th? Thousands of runners all over the world celebrate their love of the sport by trekking the trails, pounding the pavement, and in some cases, firing up the treadmill.

Because runners like to share our excitement for the sport, Global Running Day is a perfect day to meet a new friend or find a new running partner. Here are some ideas on ways to make this Global Running Day your most social.

Join a Global Running Day Race and introduce yourself to at least one person
There are plenty of races and events happening this year! Many of the Fleet Feet Stores are hosting an event called The Big Run. Because of the celebratory feel, and the added bonus of prizes, you’ll want to stick around after the race and chat with some folks. Get to know the owners of the store and find out what they offer. Running stores are often hubs of the local running community, say hello to someone and find out more.

Meet up with a local group that you’ve never run with
Maybe a race isn’t your thing this year, how about showing up to a new running group? In Seattle, we have a good number of different groups who are hosting runs this Global Running Day. You could choose from November Project, Seattle Greenlake Running Group, a Brooks event, and more. It might take some time to do research online but once you find a group, just show up. There will likely be other newbies and long-timers to show you the ropes and the route.

Invite a friend who doesn’t run for a short jog

This could be your opportunity to get that friend who always talks about wanting to start running to go with you. The extra boost of feeling like everyone is out there running could be encouraging for a hesitant starter. Help be their guide, show them that a short easy run is worth it.

Meet up with your regular running group and stay for the coffee or beer
The tried and true is also a great way to go. I’m debating if I’ll do two runs, one in the morning with my large running group and then another in the evening with my smaller group of co-workers. The coffee after the morning group is calling to me, I want to catch up with friends who I haven’t seen as I’m starting to ramp up my training again now.

Join an online challenge or jump on Twitter and comment on someone else’s post
Maybe you still want to run alone or can only fit in a run that doesn’t match anyone else’s schedule, you can still join in on the community aspect of it all! Post about your run in social media or find an online challenge. Use the hashtag #globalrunningday to post about your run and to find others who did it. Comment on something that catches your attention. I’ve made a lot of online buddies who I met in real life by joining in the conversation.

Global Running Day is a great way to connect with the running world and share the sport with others. I encourage you to take this day as an opportunity to meet new friends. After the run make sure to grab contact information for anyone you met. It could be the start to long lasting friendships!

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