Seward Park Series Week Two

There was a large turnout for the second week of the Seward Park Series’, especially the 5:30 and 6:00 races. The 5:30 race is for first-time and category 4-5 racers; the 6:00 race is for category 3 and 4 racers; the 7:00 race is for category 1-3 and professional racers. (In amateur racing in the USA, category 5 is considered “beginner” and category 1 racers are more experienced, skillful, and athletic.)

Scott Miller (Husky Racing) is currently at the top of the 5:30 event with 10 points, Ryan Trimble (HSP) is at the top of the 6:00 event with 11 points, and Galen Erickson is at the top of the 7:00 event with 9 points. Ryan and Galen currently hold the snazzy fluorescent green leader’s jersey for their respective races.

Pre-race instructions at the start of the 5:30 event.
Pre-race instructions at the start of the 5:30 event.
Scott Miller (Husky Cycling), series leader in the 5:30 event, was at or near the front the entire race.
Scott Miller (Husky Cycling), series leader in the 5:30 event, was at or near the front the entire race.
Theresa Harding (Garage) accelerates out of the hairpin.
Theresa Harding (Garage) accelerates out of the hairpin.
More than you wanted to know: Erik Olson (Cucina) demonstrates *brainclaw* of his childhood wrestling hero, Baron von Raschke.
More than you wanted to know: Erik Olson (Cucina) demonstrates *brainclaw* of his childhood wrestling hero, Baron von Raschke.
The 5:30 finish.
The 5:30 finish.

Flickr gallery of the 5:30 race.

In the 6:00 race, Audi riders assembled en masse at the front of the peloton in the final laps to deliver Yee Feng to the finish line by a wide margin.

Pre-race announcements from the back of the 6:00 group.
Pre-race announcements from the back of the 6:00 group.
Mark Roughgarden (Xtacles) powers out of the hairpin.
Mark Roughgarden (Xtacles) powers out of the hairpin.
Jack Stringham (Garage) off the front in the leader's jersey.
Jack Stringham (Garage) off the front in the leader’s jersey.
Yee Feng (Audi) with the group at the hairpin.
Yee Feng (Audi) with the group at the hairpin.
The cherry blossoms make a spectacular backdrop for bike racing at Seward Park this time of year.
The cherry blossoms make a spectacular backdrop for bike racing at Seward Park this time of year.
No contest as Yee Feng crosses the line in the 6:00 race.
No contest as Yee Feng crosses the line in the 6:00 race.
...and the 6:00 bunch sprint comes across the line.
…and the 6:00 bunch sprint comes across the line.

Flickr gallery of the 6:00 race.

Current results.

Flickr gallery with few dim images of the 7:00 event; lighting is typically better for the late race in June and July.

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