Going the Distance

With the Pacific Northwest weather pattern finally (What tha??? There’s an avalanche warning this weekend???) shifting from wetter to drier, and increasing numbers of cyclists out on Seattle area roads, it looks like many of us are gearing up for our “big” events of the season. The “big” cycling goals for most local enthusiasts probably falls into one or more of these categories:

-A first century (100 mile) or double century (200 mile) ride
-A fast century or double century ride
-Racing lots to earn upgrade points and bragging rights

While this list probably describes the “big” goals for 98% of us, toiling away in relative obscurity is another group of Seattle area cyclists who have taken the idea of “big” to another whole level.

SIR President Mark Thomas setting the pace for his buddies at the 2007 Paris-Brest Paris.

First, consider the ~235 members of the Seattle International Randonneurs (SIR). Randonneuring is self-sufficient endurance cycling with roots in the beginnings of cycling in France and Italy. Event distances range from ~100 to ~1200km. “Rando” club rides start with relatively short rides in the winter and transition to increasingly longer rides and “brevets,” which for some riders culminates in a “big” ride of 1200km. SIR is one of the largest clubs of its kind in North America, and they host the Cascade 1200, which attracts randonneurs from around the world. This year, serious randos have their ambitions pointed towards Europe and the classic Paris-Brest-Paris 1200km August 21-25. Leading up to the Paris-Brest-Paris, SIR is hosting the Tahuya Hills 600K on June 4, and a 1000K on June 17-19.

Mick Walsh warming up for bigger things at the 2011 Mutual of Enumclaw stage race. Image courtesy Amara Boursaw: Wheels in Focus.

Then there is Mick Walsh, who combines bicycle commuting with a rigorous race schedule plus some ultra distance events added to the mix for good measure. Is there a week when Mick doesn’t race? Looking back at my notes from 2009, here are some numbers I recorded for Mick:

Thursday April 16, 2009 a day in the life of Mick Walsh:
Morning commute = 21
Work to Seward Park Race via Lakemont & south end = 34
Race at Seward Park = 20
Home from Seward = 15
Total for April 16 = 90

Mick and ZteaM at the OBRA Team Time Trial Championships, May 31 2009:
Combined age of teammates = 182
28 miles = 57:15 minutes
Average speed = 29.3 mph

Chris Ragsdale handing off to Tim Case during the Dos Ras Extreme in Slovenia.

On May 14 of this year, in weather that changed from perfect to dismal, Mick took part in the SIR’s Baker Lake 400k. 400k didn’t quite fit Mick’s training plan though, so he rode 200k to the start because he needs more mileage for his “A” events this year: Going solo in the Race Across the West on June 15, followed by a solo Race Across Oregon on July 23.

Then we have ultra phenom Chris Ragsdale who is a bit of a contrast from hard man Mick in that he is a dedicated dad and pretty much just rides on weekends yet last year was in form to set a 1000k road record. Chris began this year’s season at the Texas Hill Country 600 where he finished 2nd in 19:40 behind Slovenian ultra distance legend Marko Blaloh. Chris is just back from Slovenia where he competed in the Dos Ras Extreme on a 2-man team sponsored by the Race Across America (RAAM). Some highlights from Chris’ upcoming schedule include the SIR Tahuya Hills 600K, Race Across Oregon as part of a 4-man team, Tortour nonstop race around Switzerland, and the Paris-Brest-Paris.

So, the next time you are 80 miles into a century ride and ready for it to be over, take a moment to reflect about these folks and how they are just getting warmed up at that distance.

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