Tabatha Collins: “Why do I run?”

1. It’s when I feel most alive.

2. Movement nourishes the mind, body, and soul. It allows my thoughts to freely move within me, providing me with answers, creative ideas, reflection. My mind just works better after a run.

3. It is a detox that helps fight off personal demons; keeps me feeling “happy” and helps curb depressed thoughts and feelings; allows me to forget about my problems for awhile.

4. Running provides solitude, peace, and serenity when needed; an escape from reality. I can become lost within myself; alone time. Sometimes, it is a meditation time. Sometimes I reach a state of “zen.” Personal reflection and reminisce.

5. Connection to the earth and learning life lessons through nature; humility, gratitude, problem solving, and appreciation. Exploring places I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

6. Racing…staying motivated to reach a goal. Every race is a learning opportunity. Every run is a learning opportunity. Sense of personal accomplishment.

7. Being part of an extraordinary group of people who treat me like family, accept me for who I am, and support my dreams and ambitions. Sharing a passion with like-minded individuals and always finding something to talk about

Purely for exercise…for myself and my pup.

Running on Mt. Townsend, one of their favorite spots in the Olympics, with Summit the dog.
Running on Mt. Townsend, one of their favorite spots in the Olympics, with Summit the dog.

8. An excuse to buy shoes and gear.

9. Long distances can push you into the very edge of your capabilities; to test your limits. Striving to go further and achieve more; be the best version of me I can be. After hard efforts, I love the way my body feels. It may sound crazy, but I also enjoy staying in tune with my own body….feeling it grow stronger after an injury or a hard effort.

10. Being present in the moment; not worrying about yesterday or what’s to come, only what is happening right now.

11. Constantly “looking for my missing piece”…I’m not always sure what I’m looking for, I may not find everything I’m looking for but the journey is the true reward.

12. Also. Beer and food.

During 2019, 47-year old Tabatha Collins is attempting to set a new Guinness World Record for “Most Ultras Run in One Year by a Female” by doing 52 ultras.

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